
RootDSE Window

The RootDSE DIT is visible only if the Show rootDSE check box is enabled in the Connection Profile.

By default on most LDAP servers the root DSE is available for anonymous, read-only, access. However, administrators can either inhibit access or require credentials to access the rootDSE. In the later case the rootDSE Security can be configured in the Connection Profile.

On initial display the entry is unexpanded as shown:

Root DSE window

Note: The topmost entry in every DIT Tree is labelled World as shown:

DIT Tree - world

World is a Convenience entry and selecting it has no effect in this tree.

Clicking the entry in the DIT window will cause the entry to be displayed as shown:

Root DSE - read entry

The rootDSE is read only and displays a number of attributes that provide diagnostic and operational information about the server. Specifically: The namingContexts attribute(s) provide the base DN of all operational DITs supported by the server; The subSchemaSubentry attribute provides the DN of the LDAP server's schema (typically, but not universally, cn=subSchema); The attributes vendorVersion and vendorName supported by many vendors (but not OpenLDAP) provide information about the LDAP server; The attributes supportedControl, supportedExtension and supportedFeatures list the OIDs of various extended services available on the LDAP server.

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