
Binary Editor

The Binary Editor is Info Ready.

The Binary Editor is invoked whenever the user edits (double-clicks) an attribute whose syntax is Binary (OID It provides a basic hexadecimal editing capabilty as well as the ability to load and save binary attribute values. When opened the intial window is shown:

Binary Editor

The title bar shows the attribute name and the current editor content size in bytes (or empty).

The editor contains a raw hexadecimal display of the current editor content. Each byte consists of two hexadecimal characters.

The editor allows manual editing of the content. No validation is performed on such edits, thus, it is possible to leave the attribute value in an unuseable state. This feature should only be used by knowlegeable users.

All Buttons

Load Button

Opens a File Chooser dialog and allows the user to select a fle with any suffix (or extension) as shown:

Binary Editor - load a file

The loaded file replaces any current editor content.

Save Button

Opens a File Chooser dialog and allows the user to save the current editor contents to a suitable directory and with a filename and suffix (extension) chosen by the user.

Binary Editor - save to file

Reset Button

Retores the editor content to its intial state, the state when the editor was invoked. All changes are discarded and cannot be recovered.

Delete Button

Delete the current editor contents. It is not necessary to Delete before Load. The original content may be restored using the Reset Button.

OK Button

Clicking this button will save the currently displayed binary content to the attribute and close the Binary Editor Window. If there is no binary content (the editor is empty) then an empty attribute will result which will cause it to be deleted when the entry is updated.

Cancel Button

Unconditionally closes the editor window without saving any user changes. The attribute field is unchanged.

Help Button

Displays this page.

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