
Return Attributes

The window controls the creation and deletion of named lists of return attributes which are used in the Search Dialog window.

The Return Attributes window is opened from the Search menu as shown:

Return Attributes - opening window

Each field is described (left to right, top to bottom) in subsequent sections:


This name uniquely identifies the list of returned attributes. A new name may be entered directly or an existing named return attributes list may be loaded from the drop down list as shown:

Return Attributes - load existing list

A return attribute name may consist of 5 to 50 characters, but must not include comma, dot or space characters. Descriptive names may assist in identifying the list's function.

Save Button

Clicking this button will save the current list of Selected Attributes under the defined Name. If no attributes have been selected the following error prompt will appear:

Return Attributes - no attributes selected

If the name is invalid then a error prompt with explantory text similar to that shown will be displayed:

Return Attributes - invalid name

If the named list already exists then a confirmation prompt is displayed:

Return Attributes - confirm overwrite

Finally, confirmation of the saved name is displayed:

Return Attributes - confirm saved

Delete Button

Clicking this button will delete the current Named list. However, if the Named return attributes list is currently being used by any search filter or Connection Profile the operation is terminated immediately with the following prompt indicating the first search filter or Connection Profile (there may be others) that references this Named return attributes list:

Return Attributes - in use by a search filter - cannot delete

To delete the Return Attributes Named list it is necessary to modify either the Search Dialog, Attributes to Return or the relevant Connection Profile, Attribute Types and then repeat the deletion attempt.

A confirmation prompt is output to allow the user to delete the named list (Yes) or abandon it (No):

Return Attributes - confirm saved

Available Attributes

This panel displays a list (in alphabetic order) of all the attributes supported by the currently connected LDAP Server. Selecting an attribute and clicking the > (Add Attribute) button will add the attribute to the Selected Attributes panel. Double clicking the attribute in this panel will immediately move it to the Selected Attributes panel.


  1. For convenience two pseudo attributes are included. All-User(*) will return all user attributes in the entry (equivalent of *), and All-Ops(+) will return all operational attributes in the entry (equivalent to +). It is permissable to include both All-User(*) and All-Ops(+) in the selection.

  2. The HTML Editor uses the user attribute objectClass to select appropriate templates. If this attribute is not selected (implicitly included in All-User(*) pseudo attribute) then the default HTML template will be used to display the entry.

> (Add Attribute)

Clicking this button will add the currently selected attribute in the Available Attributes panel to the Selected Attributes panel. Double clicking the attribute in the Available Attributes panel will also move the attribute to the Selected Attributes panel.

< (Remove Attribute)

Clicking this button will remove the currently selected attribute from the Selected Attributes panel.

Selected Attributes

The list of attribute names that will be returned when the named list is included in a search filter.

OK Button

Dismisses the window but checks for any outstanding (unsaved) changes.

Cancel Button

Dismisses the window without savng any changes.

Help Button

Displays this page.

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