This section describes the view clause available in BIND 9.x. The view clause allows BIND to provide different functionality based on the hosts accessing it. The view statement can take a serious number of statements shown below. Full list of statements. A view clause matches (is invoked) when either or both of its match-clients and match-destinations statements match and when the match-recursive-only condition is met. If either or both of match-clients and match-destinations are missing they default to any (all hosts match). All zones supported by each view clause must be defined with the view clause allowing a view to respond uniquely for each zone if required.
The following statements are allowed within a view clause.
additional-from-auth (yes | no) ; [ Opt, View ] additional-from-cache (yes | no) ; [ Opt, View ] allow-notify { address_match_list }; [ Opt, View, Zone ] allow-query { address_match_list }; [ Opt, View, Zone ] allow-recursion { address_match_list }; [ Opt, View ] allow-transfer { address_match_list }; [ Opt, View, Zone ] allow-update-forwarding { address_match_list }; [ Opt, View, Zone ] also-notify { ip_addr [port ip_port] ; ... ] }; [ Opt, View, Zone ] alt-transfer-source ( ipv4 | * ) [ port ( integer | * )]; [ Opt, View, Zone ] alt-transfer-source-v6 ( ipv6 | * ) [ port ( integer | * ) ]; [ Opt, View, Zone ] auth-nxdomain (yes | no); [ Opt, View ] cleaning-interval number; [ Opt, View ] dialup dialup_options; [ Opt, View, Zone ] disable-algorithms string { string; ... }; [ Opt, View ] dnssec-enable ( yes | no ); [ Opt, View ] dnssec-lookaside domain trust-anchor domain; [ Opt, View ] dnssec-must-be-secure domain ( yes | no); [ Opt, View ] dual-stack-servers [ port p_num ] { ( "id" [port p_num] | ipv4 [port p_num] | ipv6 [port p_num] ); ... }; [ Opt, View ] edns-udp-size size_in_bytes; [ Opt, View ] files number_of_files ; [ Opt, View ] forward ( only | first ); [ Opt, View, Zone ] forwarders { ipv4_addr | ipv6_addr [port ip_port] ; ... ] }; [ Opt, View, Zone ] heartbeat-interval minutes; [ Opt, View ] hostname hostname_string; ; [ Opt, View ] ixfr-from-differences ( yes | no); [ Opt, View, Zone ] key-directory path_name; [ Opt, View, Zone ] lame-ttl number; [ Opt, View ] match-clients { address_match_list } ; [ View ] match-destinations { address_match_list } ; [ View ] match-recursive-only ( yes | no ) ; [ View ] max-cache-size size_in_bytes ; [ Opt, View ] max-cache-ttl seconds; [ Opt, View ] max-journal-size size_in_bytes; [ Opt, View, Zone ] max-ncache-ttl seconds; [ Opt, View ] max-refresh-time seconds ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] max-retry-time seconds ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] max-transfer-idle-in minutes; [ Opt, View, Zone ] max-transfer-idle-out minutes; [ Opt, View, Zone ] max-transfer-time-in minutes; [ Opt, View, Zone ] max-transfer-time-out minutes; [ Opt, View, Zone ] min-refresh-time seconds ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] min-retry-time seconds ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] minimal-responses ( yes | no ) ; [ Opt, View ] multi-master ( yes | no ) ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] notify ( yes | no | explicit ); [ Opt, View, Zone ] notify-source (ip4_addr | *) [port ip_port] ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] notify-source-v6 (ip6_addr | *) [port ip_port] ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] preferred-glue ( A | AAAA) ; [ Opt, View ] provide-ixfr ( yes | no) ; [ Opt, View, server ] query-source [ address ( ip_addr | * ) ] [ port ( ip_port | * ) ]; [ Opt, View ] query-source-v6 [ address ( ip_addr | * ) ] [ port ( ip_port | * ) ]; [ Opt, View ] recursion ( yes | no ); [ Opt, View ] request-ixfr ( yes | no ); [ Opt, View, server ] root-delegation-only [ exclude { namelist } ] ; [ Opt, View ] rrset-order { order_spec ; [ order_spec ; ... ] ); [ Opt, View ] sig-validity-interval number ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] sortlist { address_match_list }; [ Opt, View ] sig-validity-interval days ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] transfer-format ( one-answer | many-answers ); [ Opt, View, server ] transfer-source (ip4_addr | *) [port ip_port] ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] transfer-source-v6 (ip6_addr | *) [port ip_port] ; [ Opt, View, Zone ] use-alt-transfer-source ( yes | no ); [ Opt, View, Zone ] zone-statistics ( yes | no ) ; [ Opt, View, Zone ]
view "view_name" [class] { [ match-clients { address_match_list } ; ] [ match-destinations { address_match_list } ; ] [ match-recursive-only { yes | no } ; ] // view statements // zone clauses };
view_name (a quoted string) is the arbitrary but unique name of this view. A view clause matches (is invoked) when either or both of its match-clients and match-destinations statements match and when the match-recursive-only condition is met. If either or both of match-clients and match-destinations are missing they default to any (all hosts match). The zones that will be serviced by this view must be contained within this view.
The classic example quoted is an alternate implementation of a split or stealth DNS configuration on a single server so we will follow in well trodden steps - see also stealth examples:
view "trusted" { match-clients {; }; // our network recursion yes; // other view statements as required zone "" { type master; // private zone file including local hosts file "internal/"; }; // add required zones }; view "badguys" { match-clients {"any"; }; // all other hosts // recursion not supported recursion no; // other view statements as required zone "" { type master; // public only hosts file "external/"; }; // add required zones };
Depending on the required level of security the above configuration may be deemed vulnerable. If the file system is compromised then simple inspection of 'named.conf' will allow penetration of the 'veil of privacy'.
view clauses have many interesting uses beyond that illustrated here. This configuration shows a 'view' clause being used to implement a Split Horizon DNS whereby different IPs are returned based on geographic (or other) criteria.
view clauses are processed in the order in which they appear in the named.conf file. Thus, in the example above the 'badguys' view clause matching condition (any) also satisfies the 'trusted' view matching condition. However, since 'trusted' appears first its matching condition is the first to be satisfied and view matching stops.
While the example shows two view clauses any number of view clauses may be present.
If none of the matching conditions in view clauses matches then BIND will return a server error.
view is class dependent but the default class is IN (or 'in' - not case dependent) and has been omitted.
While it may seem like a statement of the obvious, the zone files defined in each view for the same domain name do not need to be the same, nor do all zones defined in one view require to be present in all views. For example, it is possible to have private zones that are only visible within an Intranet or private network.
The required zone files may differ in each view, for example, there is no need to provide localhost zones in the "badguys" view.
The zone files for "" are different allowing 'hiding' of non-public hosts in the "trusted" view.
Recursion has been removed in the "badguys" view for performance and security reasons.
'slave' servers for each zone will see a single 'zone' based on their IP address, for instance, "trusted" or "badguys". However, if you multi-home or 'alias' the IP address on the 'slave' server you could get both views.
Slave DNS Servers with View Clause When using a Slave server with view clauses it is important to recall that, even when NOTIFY is used, the Slave always initiates the zone tranfer operation using an INCOMING DNS operation (TCP on Port 53 normally). To ensure the correct zone file is transferred the match-clients and/or match-destinations statements associated with the views must ensure that the requesting Slave server's IP is directed to the view containing the zone file that should be tranferred.
Note: Early versions of BIND 9 allowed default zones to be defined outside the scope of view clauses. Current versions of BIND will refuse to load such configurations. If incoming queries are not matched to a particular view then Server Error is typically returned. To avoid such problems the last view defined should use:
match-clients {any}; // or if you enjoy living dangerously omit the statment // (see defaults below)
match-clients { address_match_element; ... }; match-clients {;;!; }; # the above could be re-written as match-clients { 10/8;172.16/16;!192.168/16; }; # (More info on IP Prefix notation)
A view clause matches when either or both of its match-clients and match-destinations statements match and when the match-recursive-only condition is met. If either or both of match-clients and match-destinations are missing they default to any (all hosts match). The match-clients statement defines the address_match_list for the source IP address of the incoming messages. Any IP which matches will use the defined view clause. This statement may only be used in a view clause.
match-destinations { address_match_element; ... }; match-destinations {; };
A view clause matches when either or both of its match-clients and match-destinations statements match and when the match-recursive-only condition is met. If either or both of match-clients and match-destinations are missing they default to any (all hosts match). The match-destination statement defines the address_match_list for the destination IP address of the incoming messages. Any IP which matches will use the defined view clause. This statement may only be used in a view clause.
match-recursive-only (yes | no); match-recursive-only yes;
A view clause matches when either or both of its match-clients and match-destinations statements match and when the match-recursive-only condition is met. If either or both of match-clients and match-destinations are missing they default to any (all hosts match). The match-recursive-only can be used in conjunction with match-clients and match-destinations or on its own if that is sufficient differentiation. The default is no. This statement may only be used in a view clause.
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