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Tech Info - W3C CSS2
Old Table based layout page
We use CSS Style Sheets. We've used CSS Style Sheets for years. We are Amateurs. We've missed the point of CSS.
Phew! The 'Mea Culpa's' are over. Here's the point we missed. We thought CSS was a cool way to bury all that format and color and font stuff in one place. Whiz bang, one change, in one place and the site look and feel magically changes in all our table based HTML pages (yes we've used the dirty 'table' word). Being fundamentally lazy human beings we think that's just great.
However there are guys out there who are replacing HTML tables, javascript buttons and all kinds of effects with STANDARDS BASED CSS definitions. The cool thing, the pinnacle of CSS achievement is a 'table-less' HTML page. And the 'mantra', the rationale, the key point - true separation of style and content.
Most importantly we'd like to get rid of a much Javascript as we can - certainly for the silly things e.g. roll-overs (pretty much done). We believe, with the inevitable rise in security concerns, more and more people will disable Javascript in their browsers. So it's a 'bad thing' strategically to base our entire look and feel on Javascript. And Yes and before you have an apoplextic fit - we acknowledge there is still a place for Javascript.
Like many folks out there we have been struggling (so what's new) with user screen resolution changes for some time and experimenting with pages that automatically re-size. What can look great at 800 x 600 can look just horrible or pathetic at 1500'ish x 1200'ish.
We now know this is called 'liquid design'. We also found that our long slog to a flexible three table design was also well known and being replaced by CSS! Man was it all a revelation - perhaps not quite 'Saul on his way to Damascus' level but still pretty earth shattering. I repeat we are contrite CSS amateurs. These pages are being created during our journey to a better place!
We are two finger typists. Life is too short to type 'border-left-width', border-right-width' etc. when you don't have to but we can never find a concise reference. We are also impatient.
Our experiments with this page recast removing the three central table columns.
Problems, comments, suggestions, corrections (including broken links) or something to add? Please take the time from a busy life to 'mail us' (at top of screen), the webmaster (below) or info-support at zytrax. You will have a warm inner glow for the rest of the day.