

LDAPviewer is an Open Source browser to access LDAP and DSML enabled Servers. (Information about the LV Project goals and objectives.)

LDAPviewer is written in Java and requires a minimum of Java 1.7 (JRE/JDK 7) to run. The integrated HTML Help system will be invoked if Java 1.8 or higher (JRE/JDK 8+) is detected when the application is loaded. A standalone browser will be loaded if Help is invoked (from the Help menu) on systems with a Java version prior to 1.8 (< JRE 8).

LDAPviewer Release Notes describing current functionality or restrictions.

LDAPviewer FAQs may answer some questions about LDAPviewer or may help in troubleshooting LDAP Server access issues.

LDAPviewer provides a number of basic and advanced features:

© LV Project 2016. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.